Her Doctrine and Morals

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

16 June 2024


The Sunday


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The Sunday Sermon Archive

Dear Friends in Christ,

Oh, Christian, look at your sublime vocation! God has called you to restore the disorder caused by sin and to return all of created nature to its place in God's scheme of things.

All creation groans and travails and awaits the appearance of the sons of God — all those baptized and obedient to the most holy will of God.

Originally, God placed man over all created nature. He made Adam the protector of all creation. This means that even before the appearance of an intelligent being, man, there was some sinister hand that tainted all of nature, bringing about the disorder we all witness today.

This darkness of disorder was brought about when the disobedient angels were cast down to earth. Here is where the imbalance in nature began. We find it difficult to believe and understand that once there reigned a supreme and sublime proper order in all of nature. All things had a purpose, and all things fulfilled their purpose according to God's determination at the moment of creation.

All the saints understood mankind's true mission. With Divine Grace, they first restored the proper order in themselves. Then, they went through the world casting out devils and bringing back to the praise of their Creator all that had been corrupted.

By this time, the sons of God ought to have multiplied throughout the land; by this time, all creation ought to have been back to chant the praise of God.

The empty mutterings of graceless "praise" by false Christians are nothing more than a demonic mockery of true praise that has its origin in the redeemed, supernatural power of the faithful Christian.

Nature must first be restored in man himself. Once the right order is restored in the individual through the practice of supernatural virtue, nature recognizes him as its master and savior.

Until then, all of nature continues to fear man; nature groans beneath its unremitting exploitation by those who were called to be its savior.

It is not easy for us to penetrate the great mysteries of creation. What was once such an effortless exercise of dominion over all nature has become a very laborious exercise of often fruitless toil.

We are witnesses of daily atrocities worked against our fellow human beings. We remain silent and indifferent at all the willful carnage worked upon other human beings. The guilt for this outrage against humanity that is murdered and maimed in the name of "freedom" must be shared by all those who will not raise their voices in united protest.

Qui tacit, consentire videtur: He who remains silent is deemed to consent. This means that good people throughout the world remain silent when their leaders who are responsible for the mayhem committed against other people necessarily share in the guilt of their leaders.

These terrible things would not have occurred if humankind had listened to God's word, had Christians been faithful to Jesus Christ's commands, and had society lived according to the principles of morality taught by Jesus Christ and maintained by the Roman Catholic Church.

When sin abounds, charity grows cold. And, as St. Augustine rightly says: "If a man does not live according to God, he lives like a devil."

Is it any wonder that genuine supernatural charity has grown cold? Is it a cause for surprise when every village, town, and city throughout the United States (And, doubtless, in other countries) abound with witches and their haunts (covens)?

Satanism is rampant throughout the world. Yet, the majority of Christians fail to follow the effects of all the evil surrounding them to the actual cause: The rejection of Jesus Christ as humanity's one and only Redeemer and Savior.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!

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